Tuesday, 7 May 2013

How "green" is France compared to the other EU members?

EU legislation
Ministère de l'écologie, du développement durable et de l'énergie
Agriculture biologique en Auvergne (vidéo Région Auvergne)

Pamela Caghassi writes:

Sustainable development  is all the fashion in France. In magazines and newspapers there are adverts for solar panels and other green gadgets. Even the Government encourages sustainable development. However, how “green” is France compared to the other EU members?

Since the 1st January 2013, there have been more than 290,000 solar panels installed in France, putting the country in 7th position in the world. Spain and Germany have more. 4,000 wind turbines have been built in France, putting it behind Denmark, Spain and Germany. Germany, however, produces more than 780 tons of Carbon Dioxide every year, France only 18 tons! That’s a difference of 770 tons... 

France is one of only five countries which have (nearly) met the Kyoto Protocol objectives. In many towns there are meters to indicate the level of pollution in the air so the population can reduce their Carbon Dioxide emission.

Many countries have tried to reduce their pollution levels. France still has a long way to go, but it is making real efforts. It is not as “green” as Germany or Spain for example, but it is more “green” regarding other aspects.

I found my information in the following Web sites:

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